Paper Submission

UPDATE (18 August 2024) : ICSET2024 Camera-Ready Submission

This is the final version of your paper. Please make sure that all the aforementioned requirements are met. Also, please carefully take into account the reviewers’ comments and improve your paper when preparing the camera-ready version.

Convert your source papers (DOC/DOCX) to PDF using IEEE PDF eXpress ( to ensure the IEEE Xplore-compatibility. Use 63729X as the ICSET2024 Conference ID.

The acceptable IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF must be submitted with source papers (DOC/DOCX) together to the ICSET2024 via Easychair. Please note that one ZIP archive file (*.zip) is required to be uploaded, which includes the source file (DOC/DOCX) and the camera-ready paper (PDF). Also, please make sure that the source (DOC/DOCX) matches the camera-ready paper (PDF) that you submit.

Please submit your papers (.doc/.docx) at our online submission system by using the following steps:

  1. Login to https:\\ by using your account
  2. Click the ICSET2024 submission page

Please use IEEE’s manuscript template for conference proceedings which you may download at the attachment link below:


The manuscript should be 4 to 6 pages long. The official language is English in paper writing and presenting.

Accepted papers will be invited to give oral presentation at the conference. Please take note that IEEE has a STRICT policy on no-shows. Therefore, if your paper is accepted, one of the authors and their representatives MUST PRESENT their paper at the conference either in person. Papers with NO SHOW participants will not be submitted to IEEExplore.

All papers submitted to ICSET2024 will be checked for plagiarism. If a paper is found to fall in the category of plagiarism (30% or above), the paper will be automatically rejected.

Feel free to contact us via (+) if you encounter any problems when submit a paper.

(+) Due to technical problems with our mail server since late July 2024, the email is no longer used and has been changed to We are sorry for the inconvenience.

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